Adventures Of Dingding And Damien (with MP3 CD) Special Clearance

GOURDON Tim, ZHOU Xiaokang [Other titles by this author]

ISBN: 9787301195963

Peking University Press 1st Edition

AU $10.00
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 Adventures Of Dingding And Damien (with MP3 CD) (Adventures Of Dingding And Damien)

《丁丁迪米历险记》是为中国学生通过阅读原著学习英语而编写的一套趣味故事读物,也适合海外华语背景学生或本地英语背景读者。其中每篇故事都是基于作者青少年时期在英国和澳大利亚生活经历的原创作品,生动、形象地描写了西方文化中年轻人的生活方式、兴趣爱好及其成长环境,以及他们热爱生活、敢于冒险、好奇好动、积极向上的人生观和探索精神。本书人物天真可爱,情节曲折有趣,语言幽默风趣,字里行间透出浓浓的现代生活气息。能激发读者的阅读兴趣和想象力。 在语言学习方面,本书每篇故事均附有中文翻译、中英文词汇对照和问答练习,有助于学生理解课文内容,提高英汉翻译能力,扩大词汇量。全书还配有英文朗诵的电子版光盘一张,图文并茂,能给读者带来视觉上的美感,提高英语听说能力。 Adventures of Damien and Dingding is a series of fun stories written for Chinese students to learn English through reading the original works. It also suits overseas students with a Chinese background as well as English-speaking students. Each story is an original work based on the author’s own experiences during his childhood and teenage years in both England and Australia. It describes vividly and truthfully the life style of young people in Western culture, their interests, hobbies, living environment, as well as their views of life and inquisitive spirits: how much they enjoy their life, dare to adventure, full of curiosity and energy, positively and actively pursuing their goals. This book captures a group of fresh and vital characters, surrounded by interesting and complicated story lines, with humorous and witty language, filled with the flavour of modern life, thus easily catching the readers’ interest and imagination. As for learning a foreign language, each story in this book has been translated into Chinese, with an English – Chinese glossary and comprehension questions at the end of it, so as to help students understand the content of the story, improve their translation skills and enlarge their vocabulary. There is also an electronic version CD ROM with an English reading and colourful illustrations, which gives the reader a visual pleasure in reading and helps them to enhance their listening and speaking abilities.

Gold Award in the 2012 Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards in America

128 pp

(For this item please quote stock ID 36906)

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