Ten Methods of the Heavenly Dragon

SHEAFFER, Robert [Other titles by this author]

ISBN: 9781848191273

Jessica Kingsley 2013 1st Edition

AU $27.99
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 Ten Methods of the Heavenly Dragon (Cover Image)

When he stumbles by chance into a backstreet teashop to shelter from the unrelenting Taipei rain, the author begins a journey that will lead him to the wisdom of the Adept Shun Yuan of the Heavenly Dragon sect, an order of esoteric Buddhism laced with Taoist practices. He discovers the internal arts of chi kung and bagua and diligently practises them, and begins to see the places and people around him in a new light. However, his journey with the Adept is not without its challenges, and the author has to look to his very core to overcome the obstacles that stand in his way. Will he be able to harness the transformative energy of the dragon? Or will the wisdom of this elusive creature be beyond his grasp? An intriguing, personal account, this book explores the author's experiences along the path to spiritual enlightenment. It will be of interest to students of the internal martial traditions as well as anyone interested in Taoism and Eastern philosophy.

208 pp

(For this item please quote stock ID 37887)

Related Subject Areas:

Martial Arts     

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