Illustrated Classic Chinese Idiom Stories:Borrowing Arrows with Thatched Boats (Eng -Chin-Pinyin)

SONG Huaizhi [Other titles by this author]

ISBN: 9787508533490

China Intercontinental Press 2016 1st Edition

AU $14.95
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 Illustrated Classic Chinese Idiom Stories:Borrowin (Borrowing Arrows with Thatched Boats草船借箭(Eng -Chin-Pinyin)

故事出自《三国演义》。借箭由周瑜故意提出,聪明、机智的诸葛亮一眼识破这是一条害人之计,却淡定地表示“只需要三天”。后来,在大雾天的帮忙下,诸葛亮再利用曹操多疑的性格,调了几条草船诱敌,终于借足十万支箭,立下奇功。 This story comes from the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Looking for a way to humiliate his famous ally Zhuge Liang, General Zhou Yu challenged him to craft 100,000 arrows in just ten days. Zhuge Liang realized it was a trap, but promised to deliver the arrows in just three days! Zhuge Liang took advantage of his suspicious enemy Cao Cao to make good on his word. But how?


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