The Winter-Cry Bird (English - Chinese with Pinyin) Ink-and-Wash Picture Books of Classic Chinese Stories

CUI Yan [Other titles by this author]

ISBN: 9787508523989

China Intercontinental Press 2014 1st Edition

AU $18.95
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 The Winter-Cry Bird (English - Chinese with Pinyin (The Winter-Cry Bird (English - Chinese with Pinyin))

This is the legend of a little bird with brilliant feathers called the winter-cry bird. It is very proud and regards itself as the most beautiful bird in the world. When other animals are busy working and collecting food, the winter-cry bird just flies around and wants to play. But when the winter comes, it doesn’t have a nest or food. The winter-cry bird almost freezes to death. With the help and support of its friends, it stops being so lazy and becomes a beautiful and hard-working bird.


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