The Stories of Tiantian 1D

MA Yamin, ZHU Luoyan [Other titles by this author]

ISBN: 9787561944202

Beijing Language & Culture University Press 2016

AU $19.95
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 The Stories of Tiantian 1D (The Stories of Tiantian 1D)

The Stories of Tiantianis a series of readers matching Textbooks 1-4 ofEasy Steps to Chinese. For each of the four levels, there are five readers, each telling three stories, matching the three lessons in each unit ofEasy Steps to Chinese. The readers describe the adventures of a secondary school student called Tiantian. The readers aim to create a motivating environment, in which students can revise, practice and consolidate the vocabulary, sentence structures and language points they have learned from the textbook.
Features: 1. The language used strongly focuses on progression and continuity. The lengths of the stories are as follows: Level 1 stories each have 100-200 characters; Level 2 stories each have 300-500 characters; Level 3 stories each have 600-800 characters; Level 4 stories each have 1200-1600 characters. 2. The stories, being humorous and entertaining, closely resemble the life of the target audience in a coherent and consistent way. 3. The stories are written in simple language, which enables the target audience to understand Chinese culture. 4. Teachers can use the stories to design classroom activities.

This is a series of readers matching Textbooks 1-4 of Easy Steps to Chinese.


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Related Subject Areas:

Easy Steps to Chin.      Tiantian     

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