Awaken Qi Within

WILLIAMS Gregory [Other titles by this author]

ISBN: 9780992405441

Qi Arts 2019 1st Edition

AU $59.00
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 Awaken Qi Within (Awaken Qi Within)

Awaken Qi within the Heart, Mind, and Body through Gregory Williams’ new book that outlines the inner and outer Qi energy exchange and how the inner chaos manifests to the outer world and vice versa. Importantly it also addresses how to heal this imbalanced cycle through self- cultivation of Qi, and provides a comprehensive system to help others be healthy and find a way out of disease and suffering.

Awaken Qi Within offers an integrated system based on the intellectual and practical understandings of ancient esoteric Chinese principles, made accessible for the Western practitioner. Particular emphasis has been given to grounding these esoteric systems back into the feminine and thereby restoring Yin-Yang balance in the individual and to the world.

The intended audience is practitioners aspiring to enable a high vibrational state of mastery. They may be from diverse holistic fields and modalities ranging from acupuncturists, energy body workers, shiatsu, Qigong and yoga practitioners with a focus on deep life force based healing and refinement.

This new book is a significant progression and expansion from the author’s previous works, Qi, the Source of Life and Qi Arts Balance Heartmind Body. There is a freshness of new theory and the author elucidates the entire journey of how to uncover the inner true spirit in his inimitable elegant poetic style.
These writings are primarily founded on past training with Japanese acupuncture masters, Chinese TaiJi masters, clinical experience and self-practice.
The aim of this book is to present the seemingly complex concepts of Chinese medicine and TaiJi Qigong in a format that a wider range of practitioners from all energetic healing modalities can enjoy. The paradox is that the more straightforwardly this knowledge is conveyed, the more profoundly true it becomes. Thus, both beginners and advanced practitioners can read the same pages and gain different insights.


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Related Subject Areas:

Qigong/Chi Kung     

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