Yin Yang in Classical Texts

ROCHAT DE LA VALLEE Elisabeth [Other titles by this author]

ISBN: 9781872468433

Monkey Press 2007 1st Edition

AU $32.95
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 Yin Yang in Classical Texts (View larger image)

Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée continues her study of the Chinese classical texts with an exploration of the concept of yin yang. Guiding us through the early writings of the Spring and Autumn Annals, the Daoist classics of Laozi, Zhuangzi and Huainanzi, and the medical texts of the Yellow Emperor, the Neijing Suwen, she explains the development of these ancient ideas which provide the basis for Chinese philosophy and medicine. ‘There is no way to have yin without yan g or yang without yin. They are always a double facet of every living being and every phenomenon. And they are fertile, sustaining life only by their deep harmonious alliance.’

197 x 130mm


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