A Kaleidoscope of Chinese Culture Vol.4 (5 books and 5 DVDs)

ISBN: 9787561928370

Beijing Language & Culture University Press 2011 1st Edition

AU $199.95
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 A Kaleidoscope of Chinese Culture Vol.4 (5 books a (A Kaleidoscope of Chinese Culture Vol.4 (5 books and  5 DVDs))

With the rapid development of its economy, China is getting more and more influential in the world. People all over the world are casting their eyes on this great old nation and their interest to learn more about China's past and present is growing. They want to find out what has been driving this nation to develop at such a great speed. Being an old country with 5,000 years of history, China is an important birthplace of human civilization. The great inventions of China, such as paper, gunpowder, the compass, the technology of printing, along with china and silk, have spread to the world and enhanced the cultural exchange between China and other nations; the poems, painting, music, dance and drama created by Chinese people all express their love for nature and their emphasis on ethics and moral obligations, which constitute the essence of Chinese culture and art; the rich and colorful traditional Chinese festivals of various kinds show the passions and emotions of Chinese nation; the traditional architecture of China, such as ancient cities, palaces, temples, common residences and classical gardens, has reflected the Chinese culture and spirit of different eras in history; and the all-embracing attitude Chinese people take towards foreign cultures has further developed and promoted Chinese culture.

260 x 200 x 40 mm, 5 books and 5 DVDs. English & Chinese soundtracks & subtitles.

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