Eternal Emperor: The First Emperor Qin 秦始皇 (DVD)

ISBN: 9787883673712

Qiaojiaren (Beauty Culture Communication)

AU $15.95
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 Eternal Emperor: The First Emperor Qin 秦始皇 (DVD) (View larger image)

During the 10 years from B.C. 230 to B.C.221, the Qin Dynasty eliminated six rivals one by one and finally achieved China's political unity. Qin Shihuang set up a large unified kingdom based on agriculture, adopting a centralized system with the emperor as the centre. Uniquely he also adopted black as the colour of his rule. His state held unprecedentedly wide territories with great differences in local customs and culture from area to area. Qin Shihuang established and standardized currency, weights, characters, measures and wheel gauges, setting the Qin's influence for many centuries to come.

Running time: 89 mins, Chinese and English subtitles

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