Start Reading Chinese (Band 3): Let's Pretend (4 books) *Clearance special without DVD

Cynthia Rieder [Other titles by this author]

ISBN: 9787301224939

Peking University Press 2013

AU $34.95
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 Start Reading Chinese (Band 3): Let''s  Pretend  (4 (Beach

I love to read Chinese graded series is a set of large-scale Chinese graded reading materials. Its content design refers to the classification standard widely recognized by English-speaking countries. Its theme covers all aspects involved in ""The British Library Framework"". Stories in this book are created by British childrens literature writer originally, lively and interesting; pictures in it are beautiful, deeply loved by children. Chinese part are translated by experienced Chinese teachers of a few international schools, language simple with high reproduction rate. It is suitable for 3 to 8-year-old children learning Chinese to read. ""Little Explorers"" tells unrestrained fantasy stories of several children. Students can learn some career-related vocabulary.

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