A Manual of Classic Formulas for Primary Care

HUANG Huang, (translated by Daniel Eng, Eran Even and Craig Mitchell) [Other titles by this author]

ISBN: 9780939616992

Eastland Press 2024 1st Edition

AU $100.00
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 A Manual of Classic Formulas for Primary Care (A Manual of Classic Formulas for Primary Care)

A Manual of Classic Formulas for Primary Care is a practical distillation of the learning and clinical experience of Huang Huang, one of the pre-eminent proponents of the Classic Formula (jīng fāng) approach to herbal medicine in present-day China. Based primarily on the formulas of Zhang Zhong-Jing, this approach flexibly applies the formulas in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions, paying particular attention to the background state of the patient and the specifics of the presentation. Dr. Huang emphasizes that when using classic formulas, one must adhere to the adage, “For this presentation, use this formula.”
The book is divided into two parts. In the first, forty-two important and foundational classic formulas are discussed with a focus on their composition, formula presentation, disease indications, patient characteristics, and other insights from Dr. Huang’s extensive experience. These commonly used classic formulas will enable practitioners to effectively deal with diseases that are seen in the modern primary care setting.
The second part discusses thirteen commonly seen biomedical disease categories and pairs them with key classic formulas that are used in their treatment. This material is derived from a wide variety of clinical reports as well as Dr. Huang’s own clinical experience. Case studies accompany each formula, revealing the rationale for the formula’s use.

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Huang Huang (黄煌) is a professor at the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine. A prolific writer and editor, he has lectured widely in China and throughout the world. His work challenges practitioners to dig deeper into the treasure trove of classical Chinese medicine and apply its methods in the modern clinic.

Contents Preface
Part One: Commonly-Used Classic Formulas
Part Two: Choosing Formulas by Disease
Common Cold and Influenza
Coughing and Wheezing
Gastrointestinal Diseases
Renal Diseases
Bone and Joint Diseases
Menstrual Disorders
Pediatric Diseases
Skin Diseases
Oral Mucosal Diseases

Contents Preface
Part One: Commonly-Used Classic Formulas
Part Two: Choosing Formulas by Disease
Common Cold and Influenza
Coughing and Wheezing
Gastrointestinal Diseases
Renal Diseases
Bone and Joint Diseases
Menstrual Disorders
Pediatric Diseases
Skin Diseases
Oral Mucosal Diseases

404 pp

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Related Subject Areas:

Chinese herb formula      Chinese herbs     

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